About Us

About Us
The Pharmacy and Poisons Board is the Drug Regulatory Authority established under the Pharmacy and Poisons Act, Chapter 244 of the Laws of Kenya.
The Board regulates the Practice of Pharmacy and the Manufacture and Trade in drugs and poisons.
The Board aims to implement the appropriate regulatory measures to achieve the highest standards of safety, efficacy and quality for all drugs, chemical substances and medical devices, locally manufactured, imported, exported, distributed, sold, or used, to ensure the protection of the consumer as envisaged by the laws regulating drugs in force in Kenya.
The Board

To protect and promote the health of the public by regulating the profession of pharmacy and ensuring access to quality, safe, efficacious and affordable medical products and health technologies

To be a global leader in promoting and protecting public health.
Core Values

Commitment to public health, Professionalism, Accountability and transparency, Integrity and respect, Quality, and Diversity and inclusion

Our Mandate
The Pharmacy and Poisons Board is the Drug Regulatory Authority established under the Pharmacy and Poisons Act, Chapter 244 of the Laws of Kenya.
The Board regulates the Practice of Pharmacy and the Manufacture and Trade in drugs and poisons.
The Board aims to implement the appropriate regulatory measures to achieve the highest standards of safety, efficacy and quality for all drugs, chemical substances and medical devices, locally manufactured, imported, exported, distributed, sold, or used, to ensure the protection of the consumer as envisaged by the laws regulating drugs in force in Kenya.
Organisation of the Board
The Board is organised into four directorates:
Medical Products and Health Technologies, Pharmacy Practice, Laboratory Services and Corporate Services.
Additionaly there are departments and units under the office of the Chief Executive Officer.

Medical Products and Technologies
Concerned with the registration of medical products and health technologies, inspections and enforcement of good practices for manufacturing and distribution, post-market surveillance, clinical trials, vigilance and appropriate use of products to ensure their quality, safety, efficacy and economic value as defined in the Pharmacy and Poisons Act, CAP 244.

Pharmacy Practice
Ensures pharmacy practice meets the highest attainable standards of healthcare delivery through effective regulation of pharmacy training, practice and continuing professional development for maintenance of competence and fitness to practice.

Laboratory Services
Concerned with compliance testing of Medical Products and technologies and their respective ingredients, employing authorised methods and investigative testing of suspicious, substandard, falsified, illegal, counterfeit substances or products, submitted for examination by medicine inspectors, customs or police.

Corporate Services
Concerned with financial, human resource and administrative management functions of the Board.
Consolidates all support services needed for all operational work of the organization and increase ability of all departments to function as a best-practice, knowledge-based, lean and service-oriented using highly trained staff, technology and effective communication to create and sustain a pleasant and appreciative working environment to internal and external customers and partners.
Departments and Units
Trade Affairs, Licit Control, Regional Offices, Corporate Secretary/Legal Services, Supply Chain Management, Planning QMS and Research.
Internal Audit and Risk Management – reports to the Board Directors