PPB - Services

Complaints, Feedback and Enquiry

68 traders arrested in crackdown on illegal pharmaceutical outlets in western

DOWNLOAD PRESS RELEASE HERE Over 68 illegal pharmacy traders have been arrested and prosecuted, in western region for illegally handling pharmaceuticals. The operation led by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board Deputy Director of Inspectorate, Dr. Dominic Kariuki seized 133 cartons of assorted medicines and closed down over 114 pharmaceutical outlets. These include some government supplied medicines […]

58 Arrested in a crackdown in the Coast region

MOMBASA, March 26, 2021- At least 58 people have been arrested and arraigned in court in an ongoing crackdown targeting illegal pharmacies in the Coast region which include Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Taita Taveta and Tana River counties. The operation conducted by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board drug inspectors in conjunction with Kenya Police Service targeted […]

PvERS II Launch

PPB upgrades system for reporting adverse effects of medicines and vaccines Nairobi, March 17, 2021 – The Pharmacy and Poisons Board today launched an upgraded version of thePharmacovigilance Electronic Reporting System (PvERS II) to strengthen safety and quality monitoring of Health Products and Health Technologies in Kenya. The new system is a suite of software applications for […]