Collaboration Strategy Between Pharmacy and Poisons Board and Public Health Programs
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- Create Date October 9, 2023
- Last Updated October 12, 2023
Collaboration Strategy Between Pharmacy and Poisons Board and Public Health Programs
Pharmaceutical industries contribute to access to HPTs. This is done either through donations or the provision of HPTs at reduced costs through access programs for direct administration to large communities through PHPs. Patients from affected communities are often not directly engaged in the decision-making process with PHPs, whose decisions can positively or adversely affect the implementation of the interventions. Various factors are documented that influence compliance to MDA in the elimination of LF including lack of awareness on the benefits of the medicines given during MDA, the introduction of new and more effective medicines, the increase in the number of tablets to be swallowed, and adverse events that occur after taking the medicines. It is therefore both the PHPs and NRAs work collaboratively to provide factual and real-time information to the concerned communities.
The success of PHPs is indeed dependent on the active collaboration with other stakeholders including the patients and NRAs.This document outlines the need and importance of integrating pharmacovigilance as a key component in public health programs (PHPs) that use health products and technologies. Additionally, it describes the importance of collaborations between the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) to strengthen the safety monitoring of Health Products and Technologies within the various PHPs.
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