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Pharmacy and Poisons Board Adopts New Technology to Ensure Drug Quality, 29th July 2024



Kenya – The Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) has acquired advanced Near Infrared (NIR) technology, the Pillscan, to strengthen its efforts in safeguarding drug quality. Provided by the Mission of Essential Medicines and Supplies, this new tool will be used for on-site screening of medical products at PPB regional offices and key entry points.

Complementing the PPB’s existing quality control measures, the NIR technology will enhance the detection of sub-standard and falsified medical products. To maximize the impact of this new tool, a six-day training was conducted for PPB staff, county pharmacists, and KEMSA personnel.

By incorporating NIR technology into its operations, the PPB aims to bolster its surveillance of the Kenyan pharmaceutical market and protect public health.

The Pharmacy and Poisons Board commends the Global Fund for supporting its mission to ensure safe and quality medicines for Kenyans. This investment in advanced technology is a significant step forward in ensuring the quality and safety of medicines accessible to the public.


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