PPB - Services

Complaints, Feedback and Enquiry

Safety Alerts

The Pharmacy and Poisons Board is mandated by the CAP 244, Laws of Kenya to collect, manage, assess, analyze, identify signals, and communicate safety information related to health products and technologies authorized by the Board. The safety communication contains safety measures to be taken and information that may impact Health Products and Technologies (HPTs) use amongst healthcare providers and patients. The primary objective of safety communication is to prevent harm and protect the safety and health of the public.

The healthcare providers and the public are therefore advised to be on the lookout for HPTs affected by the safety alert issued. Information and inquiries relating to the safety alert and the affected HPT should be submitted to the Pharmacy and Poisons Board via the email: pv@ppb.go.ke and/or via Tel No. +254 795 743 049

The healthcare providers and the public are encouraged to be vigilant and report all suspected adverse events to the Pharmacy and Poisons Board on the Pharmacovigilance Electronic Reporting System:  https://pv.pharmacyboardkenya.org, or by sending an email to pv@ppb.go.ke or by calling the telephone no. +254 795 743 049