Guidelines for Evaluation and Assessment for Enrolment as a Pharmaceutical Technologist
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- Create Date February 16, 2022
- Last Updated February 18, 2022
Guidelines for Evaluation and Assessment for Enrolment as a Pharmaceutical Technologist
The mission of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board is to ensure the availability of quality pharmaceutical services in Kenya. These services must satisfy the requirements of all for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases using safe, efficacious, high quality and cost effective pharmaceutical products.
The attainment of the mission and its objectives requires well trained and ethical pharmaceutical personnel. Pharmaceutical Technologists form an important part of these personnel and whose critical mass requires a well laid out training programme.
The harmonized national curriculum for Diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology course whose objective was to standardize training and the provision of pharmaceutical services in Kenya was developed and approved in 2003 through concerted efforts of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Ministry of Health, Kenya Institute of Education, Kenya National Examination Council, Kenya Medical Training College and the Pharmacy and Poisons Board.
In line with the amendments to Cap 244, The Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act No. 2 of 2002 dated June 2002 and the (amendment) rules in legislative supplement No. 31, legal notice No. 9 of 6th August 2004, the Pharmacy and Poisons Board has set criteria for Evaluation and Assessment of candidates who have undergone training at Diploma level in Pharmaceutical Technology.
“Guidelines for Evaluation and Assessment for a Pharmaceutical Technologist” were first published in 2005 by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) to outline the criteria and prerequisite for enrolment as a Pharmaceutical Technologist in Kenya. However, a lot of changes have been seen in the legal, regulatory, training and practice environment over the years. These have necessitated the review of the guidelines and hence the publication of this version of the “Guidelines for Evaluation and Assessment for Enrolment of a Pharmaceutical Technologist.”
The development and review of these guidelines has been a big achievement for the Board in the implementation of assessing the competencies acquired by Pharmaceutical Technologists during training. They form part of the standards harmonization efforts. The achievement of success and quality in training and practice of Pharmaceutical Technologists as contemplated by the Board requires active participation of all stakeholders.
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