PPB - Services

Complaints, Feedback and Enquiry

Rapid Alerts

The Pharmacy and Poisons Board receives and sources alerts on quality and safety of medical products and health technologies.  The alerts include notifications of quality defects or safety concerns that pose high risk to the health of the public. Such alerts shall include class I recalls.

On review of the quality or safety information, timely alert notices and safety communication are provided to the healthcare providers and general public.

The information from rapid alert notification shall be communicated to the public and healthcare providers in an alert notice and / or Dear Healthcare Provider Letter (DHPL).

The alert notices and safety communication contain safety measures and actions that are aimed at preventing harm and protecting safety and health of the public.

The public is therefore advised to be on the look out for medical products that are affected by the rapid alert notification.Information and enquiries relating to the alert and the affected medical products should be submitted to the Pharmacy and Poisons Board at: pv@pharmacyboardkenya.org,  Tel No. +254795743049


The public is encouraged to be vigilant and report all suspected poor quality medical products to the Pharmacy and Poisons Board at: website:  https://pv.pharmacyboardkenya.org,  Email: pv@pharmacyboardkenya.org, Tel No. +254795743049