The Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) is the drug regulatory authority established under the Pharmacy and Poisons Act Cap 244 laws of Kenya.
The Board has the sole responsibility to protect the health of the public by regulating the profession of pharmacy and ensuring quality, safety and efficacy of medical products and Health technologies.
The Board would like to notify the general public of the following falsified and unregistered ANTI SNAKE venom products in circulation,
- Puff Udder
Lot No: 000697:
Date of Manufacture: 09-2015;
Date of Expiry :09-2022
2. “Ant Venom”
The product has no manufacturing, dosage and instruction for use details:.
Members of the public, health workers, health establishments including chemists and pharmacies are advised to be vigilant. Contact the Board on 0720 608 811 or log onto
the website, or email,
to report.