Sensitisation workshop for the Ports of Entry (PoE)
The Pharmacy and Poisons Board Unit of Drug Crime Investigations & Enforcement is holding a sensitisation workshop for the Ports of Entry (PoE) stakeholders at the Moyale One-Stop Border Point ( OSBP).
The objective of the workshop is to enhance the level of which the legislative requirements are understood and enforced, increase vigilance on the new trends of Pharma crimes and enhance collaboration with the various stakeholders at the ports to inculcate a multi-faceted approach in averting illegal importation and trade.
Present at the meeting is the Deputy County Commissioner of Moyale, Mr.Patrick Mumazi and officials from the Anti-counterfeit Agency ( ACA), Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), Port -Health, Kenya Revenue Authority( KRA), Customs Immigration, National Intelligence Service ( NIS), National Police Service ( NPS), and Drug Crime Investigations ( DCI), among other agencies.